V1.1: ChangeLog see below
Can be installed over the V1.0 about it
The Lely Welger Tornado winding combination of xyz-spain now for LS13 and real silage bales.
Not only converts LOGFEHLERFREI by LS13 but also thoroughly revised.
The operation has been significantly cleaned up and the scripts made LS13-capable. Além, I could not help but incorporate some improvements.
The Tornado runs as in LS11 on the standard LS script, so produces real-LS13 bales.
Além, the winding combination uses the new possibilities of the LS13 data structure for bales like real quantity and content of fruit.
The BALES PRESS generated from grass and hay (for simplifying the processing with the standard diet mixers).
Wheat and barley straw be compressed to the appropriate straw bales. All other Schwadfrüchte be converted in preparation for new fruit varieties to wheat straw.
Winding the combination is much easier to use.
To wrap bales now brings for the first time in the game real benefits:
Straw bales are formed by winding better preserved. To simulate the reduced losses to the available amount of straw bales increased by 20%.
Hay and grass bales, however, are to SILAGE BALES REAL! That if you are the bales in the feed mixer, then its content will be counted as silage.
This works also in the Course Play, but you have to watch out that you can not quickly pressed bales as the combination can wrap.
MP is not tested, should work on the basis of MP-ability of all output scripts but. For feedback with understandable error descriptions I am grateful.
What is even or missing: Variable bale chamber size (real feature of the Tornado). Além, the script for the turn drawbar is currently disabled.
The mod consists of TWO zip files. Apart from the actual mod from baler and wrapper there is still a small ZusatzMOD “MultiBale”. Its function consists solely as a guide to save and load the contents ball into something more orderly and conflict in any way with the normal LS13 scripts.
Feedback to V1.0:
After I was able to peek only sporadically over the holidays first WOW and thank you for over 10k downloads icon smile Lely Welger Tornado v 1.1
In view of some, certainly not entirely unfounded criticism, my thanks to all that can be helpful and precise objective: but the most icon smile Lely Welger Tornado v 1.1 Are special thanks Scalhalh for the helpful feedback!
For the battered Scores I apologize. Something should happen, of course not. To this day, I however do not get reproduced the bug with me. Portanto, thanks to Scalhalh for diagnosis: There crunches either with another mod of virtually the same as the tried MultiBale script or with the Ursus-DLC (which I suspect must somehow Giants and the silage bales to bring Funktionionieren). The DLC was when I getesten the script is not yet online. Nevertheless MultiBale is adapted to it.
Reduced weight
Adapted Attacher
smoothed the whole thing with a bit of downforce
Certainly not perfect fine tuning, but probably about what most envision here. And no, this news does not belong behind a D25 icon wink Lely Welger Tornado v 1.1 But even with the larger Papptreckern of Giants they should now run properly.
Desculpe, I had meant well and dug out on the last meter the original xyz-high-res textures (which was LS11 overburdened performance technical) while somehow fabricated botch. Should now be fixed including the Pickup – who finds something please make a screenshot.
Ball Size:
War (unfortunately?) Can not fix without scaling the whole combination again. Since the Lely however bales produced in exactly the same size as the LS13-bales I’ve seen no reason not to do that. AND bale press are now about 9% larger than in V1.0. The bales can be captured easily with the round ball collectors now.
Animation film cutter:
Patched half now works again at least after reload.
Patched that no parser errors more likely to be generated.
Why V1.1 and not, as often demanded V2.0? These are all patches and no new features
Development Goals for V2.0 are currently:
PTO correct (patch)
cutting animation (patch)
Variable bale chamber size (feature)
Changeable color film (feature)
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